
React building blocks for UI layers (tooltips, dialogs, etc).


  • Declarative component API for rendering/hiding layers.
  • Bring your own styles.
  • Single container stacks layers based on render order, removing need for most z-index.
  • Animate layers as they unmount, even if the owner component has unmounted.
    • Try clicking the button above and then a link in the sidebar. Notice the exit transition.
  • An alternative imperative API.

Unlike similar libraries, react-atmosphere does not use React Portal. Instead, a single <LayerContainer> subscribes to layer messages emitted by other <Layer> components. This decouples the layer's rendering from its host component, enabling an imperative API as well as rendering UI after the component unmounts (useful for unmount animations).

Getting Started

  1. Install react-atmosphere from NPM.
npm install react-atmosphere
# or
yarn add react-atmosphere
  1. Render a <LayerContainer> in your React app. All layers in your app will be rendered inside this component. This container is usually rendered at the end of your root UI component.
import { LayerContainer } from "react-atmosphere"

function App() {
  return (
      <LayerContainer />    </>
  1. Render <Layer> components.
import { Layer } from "react-atmosphere"

function MyComponent() {
  const [showLayer, setShowLayer] = React.useState(false)
  return (
      <button onClick={() => setShowLayer(show => !show)}>Toggle Layer</button>
      {showLayer ? <Layer render={() => <MyLayer />} /> : null}    </>

Even though <Layer> is a child of <MyComponent>, <MyLayer> will be rendered inside the app's <LayerContainer>.

Dive In


react-atmosphere comes with a number of common Layer components.

<Layer>The heart and building block of the library
<PopperLayer>Layer component that integrates Popper.js for positioning
<Tooltip>PopperLayer that responds to mouse events
<Dialog>Modal component rendered over the screen with a backdrop

Exit transitions

If you want a layer to animate as it is unmounting, read about exit transitions.

Imperative API

You can show and hide layers with an imperative API. This is useful when you don't want to tie a layer's lifecycle to a component.